Automated XPS for Lab
SPECS EnviroMETROS LAB provides the perfect routine or research XPS analysis for any sample for surface as well as non-destructive depth profiling with a variable information depth photoelectron spectrometer.
EnviroMETROS LAB provides a monochromated small spot X-ray source with up to three different photon energies giving different surface and bulk sensitivities due to the variation in kinetic energy of the photoelectrons emitted.
The variable spot size and the complete software control of all parameters allow for easy lateral navigation, adaptation of information depth, count rate optimization and charge compensation.
Valence and conduction band states, HOMO LUMO position and bandgap information can be retrieved from the combination of UPS, IPES and REELS. SEM/SAM, Raman and IRRAS, as well as sputter depth profiling complete the package. The 80 mm × 80 mm sample holder size with a high stability stage with Laser heating and Peltier cooling opens up a large variety of experimental conditions. The complete sample transfer is fully automated.

Key Features
The system is available in two versions; UHV or as near ambient pressure version for operation up to 50 mbar.
- Metrology with ultimate stability, reliability and repeatability.
- Precise chemical and dimensional quantification
- Short acquisition times (high sensitivities and throughput)
- Non-destructive depth profiling using different photon energies in combination with angle resolved XPS (ARXPS)
- Flexible analysis area (100 µm to 1 mm)
- Integration of supplementary optical metrology (IRRAS and Raman)
- Electronic structure analysis by combined UPS and IPES
- Identification of energy loss mechanisms by REELS
- Option to operate the system in UHV or NAP environment
- Fully software controlled
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